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Dictator Wikipedia ~ A dictator is a political leader who possesses absolute power A state which is ruled by a dictator is called a dictatorship The word originated as the title of a magistrate in the Roman Republic appointed by the Senate to rule the republic in times of emergency see Roman dictator and justitium

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Dictator Definition of Dictator by MerriamWebster ~ Dictator definition is a person granted absolute emergency power especially history one appointed by the senate of ancient Rome How to use dictator in a sentence a person granted absolute emergency power especially history one appointed by the senate of ancient Rome…

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DICTATOR 意味 Cambridge 英語辞書での定義 ~ dictator 意味 定義 dictator は何か 1 a leader who has complete power in a country and has not been elected by the people2 a person who gives orders and behaves as if they have complete power 3 someone who rules a country with complete power has complete control over the armed forces and destroys any… もっと見る

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